Self-Leadership masterclass

Take control of your priorities and development in 2024

Hone your self-leadership in 2024 with a blend of science informed tools and practical methods in this masterclass.

What can you expect in this course?

Are you up for some realistic New Year resolutions and willing to carry them through in 2024?

You make the time – Causable holds the space for you.

In our Masterclass this January, you will:

The added benefit: The method you learn to apply is also great to plan your work with your team!

Available Dates:

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 from 13.30 - 16.00 CET, or
Thursday, January 11, 2024 from 15.30 - 18.00 CET

Booster sessions

Boost your follow-through with our check-ins for accountability and in the same go, hone your skills and navigate your development with our deep dives on self-leadership tools as we go through the year.

Besides checking in together each quarter on what progress you made on your projects, we take a deeper dive into supporting topics and practical tools that will help you stay on track.

Four booster sessions throughout the year will help you to stay on track and make the most of your development goals.

About your masterclass

Basic format

We meet online via Zoom.


Masterclasses will have max. 15 participants to enhance your interactive learning experience

Sign up for your masterclass and booster sessions

Choose the date for your masterclass

Booster sessions

Each booster session is offered at two different times. You will be able to pick the time that suits you best.

* Required

* Required

* Required

To help us prepare and tailor our course to you, we’d also like to know your job title and where you work.

Payment information

Once you signed up for your course, we will process your information and send you an invoice. If you need a receipt for your employer or another organization funding your course, please make sure to include their details.

Your booking will only be valid once we have received your payment. We will send you information for the bank transfer to our bank account of Causable GmbH (Tellstrasse 31, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland) at Zürcher Kantonalbank.

You will only be admitted and receive your login credentials to the Masterclass once we have received your transfer. Your payment needs to arrive latest on Friday, January 5, 2024. We will send out our confirmation email and access link upon receiving your payment.

Why can you pay in EUR although we are located in Switzerland? Because we know that the Swiss Franc is a strong currency and fluctuates a lot. We take that upon us to make your life easier.


What if I have a conflicting appointment?
Bookings are binding. You can ask to attend a Masterclass / Booster Session on a different day if you have a scheduling conflict during one of the sessions in a series. Please use this option sparingly, as we want to keep classes small to enhance learning.

Can I access a recording of the class later?
Inputs by Dr. Maier will be recorded and can be accessed afterwards. Interactive individual and group work will not be recorded and we work under Chatham House Rule: Learnings and take aways can not be attributed to specific persons.

Your questions cannot wait?
Get in touch to schedule a short 30 minute introduction call to discuss your challenge and whether an individual sparring partnership might help to resolve your question faster.

Your benefit from Causable

At Causable, we take a look behind the curtain and always show why things work. Dr. Silvia Maier holds a PhD in Neuroeconomics from University of Zurich and knows both the theory behind and the practical paths towards self-control and resilience and what your brain needs in order to support you in both.

Her Self-Leadership masterclasses cut to the chase and bundle what you need in order to promote smart choices that yield the best outcomes long-term, even when you navigate stressful environments.

Dr. Maier has been leading research and product development in science and industry for more than 15 years. As founder of Causable, she is a trusted sparring partner for C-Level leaders and expert contributors alike, as she draws from more than 20 years of experience in leading teams and managing projects in the service and innovation sectors.